Journal Title: Quarterly Journal of Education
Journal Type: Academic: double-blind peer review
Concessionaire: Ministry of Education
Director-in-Charge: Dr. Ali Latifi
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Hassan Maleki
Executive Director: Maryam Kazemi, M.A.
Address: 181 Sapahbod Gharani Ave., 6th Floor, Tehran, 158474 3517, IRAN
Tel: +98 21 88327350
Fax: +98 21 88327350
Distribution Unit Tel: +98 21 88327350
Email: faslnameh
The charges of reviewing and publishing articles in the journal:
Submitting an article for the journal and conducting the review process in this journal is completely free of charge. Upon editorial acceptance of an article, the corresponding author will be notified that payment is due (4,000,000 Rials). Publication of articles accepted in the journal is completely free of charge.
The process of reviewing articles in the journal:
The submitted articles are initially reviewed by the journal's editor and the confirmed its relevance to the journal's field of study, then the articles are reviewed by the editorial staff and each article is sent to at least 4 reviewers. After a careful refereeing process by at least 4 referees and approval by at least 2 referees and making the necessary corrections, and final referee confirmation, the article will be published on the Web site and in its anticipated issue.
Cost of access to archive articles:
Since the main policy of this journal is to promote and spread science among all scholars around the world, access to all archived articles of this journal is free.
Facts & Figures
Issue per year |
4 |
No. of volumes |
36 |
No. of Issues |
144 |
Published articles |
305 |
No. of papers submission |
2721 |
Rejected papers |
1638 |
Acceptance rate |
11/21% |
No. of reviewers |
102 |
No. of databases |
8 |
No. of contributors |
699 |
Article view |
3538 |
PDF download |
1223 |